The World


Ralph YY's Blog


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Accomplished software engineer with many years of experience in building robust, highly scalable, multi-tier applications. Energetic, a result-driven thinker with expertise in Algorithms, Programming, Testing, Integration, and Architecture technology to deliver action-oriented solutions to complex business problems.


Something more about me:

I like playing computer games. Back in the Ms-DOS days when the PCs were still struggling with 3.5 inches disk, computer games became part of my life. So far, I have played more than 3 thousand games. The idea of my English name “Ralph” actually comes from the game King Of Fight. My favorite character in that game is called Ralf that is a super-powerful man and surprisingly easy to use, literally I only need to press one key to release “Ralf punch” and then win the game, simple and crude (My teacher told me there was no name called Ralf in the English dictionary, what?! I have to choose Ralph as an alternative). Indeed, that’s the lifestyle I am looking for, keep fighting, but try to make it simple and enjoy it.

I also a fan of tourism and challenges. Hmmm, Awe of nature. I could not forget one time I was traveling to Bali of Indonesia, at there was a private beach. The tour guide warned us the waves of that beach were fierce, plus there was no lifeguard, so be careful if you want to swim. The thought that came to my mind at that moment was: I was born near the ocean, every kid in my hometown knows how to swim, why I afraid of that? I ignored the warning completely. Soon I stepped into the water and started swimming forward… 10 mins later, when I looked back, it appears that I was the one farthest to the shore, the second guy who was around 20 meters away from me. I was feeling proud at that time, but suddenly, I realized a serious problem, How can I go back? As we know, the ocean wave was like moving back and forward, besides, that beach was famous because of the large ocean wave. Immediately, I tried to swim back to the shore. However, the resistance from the water was much stronger than I can imagine. Swam out was like smearing oil, but swam back just felt like an invisible hand was pulling you back. I stopped swimming because I quickly consumed all my energy fighting with the wave. I needed to change the strategy right away, which was the chance when the wave rushes into the deep sea, I hold my breath and dive in the water, when the wave crash to shore, I followed wave flow. It was extraordinarily hard to move even a meter far because when you made the body close to shore, the next moment the wave threw you back to the ocean again. Helpless, fear continue attacking my confidence… Finally, my foot can feel something solid, the hope came back to me. I was exhausted when arriving at the shore, the only thing I want to do was laying on the familiar land, breathing the air greedily like an elephant. The sunshine never that warm, the blue sky never that beautiful in my whole life.

Life is beautiful on every ordinary day.