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Ralph YY's Blog

16 Aug 2019
Binary Search Is Not That Easy


二分查找真的很简单吗?并不简单。看看 Knuth 大佬(发明 KMP 算法的那位)怎么说的: Although the basic idea of binary search is comparatively straightforward, the details can be surprisingly tricky… 这句话可以这样理解:思路很简单,细节是魔鬼。

Is Binary Search really easy? No, not really. Look at the Knuth (who invent KMP algorithm) said : Although the basic idea of binary search is comparatively straightforward, the details can be surprisingly tricky…
Short sentence: Idea is simple, detail is devil.

  1. 解一直在可行区间里
    solution always in valid area
  2. 每次判断后可行区间都会缩小(特别是左右端点相距为0/1的时候)
    valid area shrink every time after judgment(especially the left = right or left = right-1 situation)


  1. 闭包(Closure)空间 [low, high],[low,high)的不同;
    while(low <= high) 代入(3,2),不存在空间
    while(low < high) 代入(2,2),还是存在2这个值的
  2. high = mid还是high = mid -1,要根据终止条件;
  3. 返回low还是high? 这个要根据终止条件,如果while(low < high)就无所谓,因爲终止情况就是low=high,而while(low <= high)就不同了;
  4. low更新必须 low = mid + 1,这样才能避免奇偶的影响;
  5. 二分查找别用else了,老老实实else if来判断较好;
  6. low + (high - low)/2 防止整数溢出范围.

Example Code

二分有两种:注意取值范围,还有是否mid-1都是由讲究的。最好写上所有if,else if来判断3种情况>=<,不要用else

int binary_search(vector<int>& nums,int left,int right, int target) {
    int low = left;
    int high = right; //这是[)右开包的情况
        int mid = low+(high-low)/2;             //坑点(2)这里尽量这么写,因为如果写成(i+j)/2则有溢出的风险
        if(nums[mid]==target)  high = mid;   
        else if(nums[mid]<target)  high = mid;  //坑点(3)因为右值点反正不能取到,所以j就可以等于mid
        else if(nums[mid]>target)  low = mid+1; //坑点(4)应该可以无脑这么写,因爲奇偶数最好每次都改变low
    return low; //坑点(5) 要根据题目需要返回要求的边界
int searchInsert(vector<int>& nums,int left,int right, int target) {
    int low = left;
    int high = right;
    while(low<=high ){
        int mid = low+(high-low)/2;
        if(nums[mid]==target) high = mid-1;
        else if(nums[mid]>target) high = mid-1;
        else if(nums[mid]<target) low = mid+1;
    return low;



Til next time,
at 00:00


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