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Ralph YY's Blog

26 Jun 2018
Auto Assign Point Estimate


Every sprint we need to do the point estimates, it is part of Agile development process, then use tools such as Jira or confluence etc. to help management the sprint. It is very important to estimate before actually do it, however, it require doing proper assignment. Image that if the your team is big, with hundred of stories in the list, it will be painful to average the point and assign to people.

Smart Assign

The purpose of program is to make things easier, for this case, we can easily use greedy algorithm to write a code which help assignment. Below is a example of Java version smart assignment:

Full code:

class Story{
	String id;
	int points;
	Story(String id, int points){ = id;
		this.points = points;
class Person{
	String name;
	int points;
	Person(String name, int points){ = name;
		this.points = points;
public class PointEsitmateAssign {

	private HashMap<Person, List<Story>> pointEstimate(List<Story> stories, List<Person> persons){
		LinkedHashMap<Person, List<Story>> res = new LinkedHashMap<Person, List<Story>>();
		if(persons==null||persons.isEmpty()||stories==null||stories.isEmpty()) return res;
		Collections.sort(stories, ((a,b)->b.points-a.points));
		PriorityQueue<Person> pq = new PriorityQueue<Person>((a,b)->b.points-a.points);
		for(Person p: persons){
			res.put(p, new ArrayList<Story>());
		for(Story story: stories){
			List<Person> randomPersonList = new ArrayList<Person>();
			int expectPoint = story.points;
			//can use reservoir sampling to improve here
			int peekPoint = pq.peek().points;
				Person p = pq.poll();
				p.points = p.points - expectPoint;
			} else {
				Person choosenOne = randomPersonList.remove(0);
				choosenOne.points = choosenOne.points - expectPoint;
//				System.out.println(randomPersonList.size());
				for(Person p : randomPersonList) pq.offer(p);
		return res;
	private void debug(HashMap<Person, List<Story>> res){
		System.out.print("==================Assignment===================== \n");
			for(Map.Entry<Person, List<Story>> item: res.entrySet()){
				System.out.print(item.getKey().name +" assigned: ");
				int sum = 0;
				for(int i=0;i<item.getValue().size();i++){
					sum += item.getValue().get(i).points;
				System.out.print(" Sum: "+ sum +"\n");
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		PointEsitmateAssign pea = new PointEsitmateAssign();
		//Test data 1
		List<Story> stories1 = new ArrayList<Story>(Arrays.asList(
				new Story("1", 2), new Story("2", 2), new Story("3", 3),
				new Story("4", 1), new Story("5", 4), new Story("6", 6),
				new Story("7", 5), new Story("8", 3), new Story("9", 1)
		List<Person> persons1 = new ArrayList<Person>(Arrays.asList(
				new Person("A", 13), new Person("B", 6), new Person("C", 8)
		HashMap<Person, List<Story>> res1 = pea.pointEstimate(stories1, persons1);
		//Test data 2
		List<Story> stories2 = new ArrayList<Story>(Arrays.asList(
				new Story("1", 3), new Story("2", 3), new Story("3", 3),new Story("4", 3)
		List<Person> persons2 = new ArrayList<Person>(Arrays.asList(
				new Person("A", 4), new Person("B", 4), new Person("C", 4)
		HashMap<Person, List<Story>> res2 = pea.pointEstimate(stories2, persons2);


Google Spreadsheet Script

Since many of us use Google spreadsheet to do the document, here is an example for Google spreadsheet version: Point Estimate Auto Script

function autoAssignment() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
  var persons = sheet.getRange("G3:G11");
  for( var i = 0; i < persons.getValues().length; i++) {
    var targetCell = sheet.getRange("C"+(i+3));
    //sort the stories by highest points
    var storyRange = sheet.getRange("A3:C11");
    storyRange.sort({column: 2, ascending: false});
    //sort the persons by highest left points
    var personRange = sheet.getRange("G3:J10");
    personRange.sort({column: 10, ascending: false});
    var sourceValue = sheet.getRange("G3").getValue();

Update At 2018-08-03

Make assignment script more pretty and easy to use, make script more efficient and robust. Point Estimate Auto Script V2

Example code, added Sample Reservoir random assign and array for person storage

 * auto assign the QEs according to their expect points v2
 * will randomly assign the story to person whoever has enough left point.
 * because random, so every time run the assign will be different, however, if story has already assigned, won't be assign again.
 * now can run parallel with the other assign script.
function autoAssignFunctionQEv2() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
  var tickersRange = sheet.getRange("B4");
  var totalqes = sheet.getRange("D4").getValue();
  for( var i = 0; i < tickersRange.getValue(); i++) {
    var targetCell = sheet.getRange("E"+(i+13));
    var pointCell = sheet.getRange("C"+(i+13));
    // skip if value is empty
    if(targetCell.getValue() != "") continue;
    var array = sheet.getRange("J4:M"+(totalqes+3)).getValues(); // save person data in array, no longer need to sort in page
    sortArrayRange(array, 3); // sort by the left point desc
    // var sourceValue = sheet.getRange("J4").getValue();
    var pickIndex = sampleReservoir(array, 3, pointCell.getValue());
    var sourceValue = array[pickIndex][0]; // first is user name
 * use sample reservoir algorithm pick the assignee index
function sampleReservoir(array, col, targetValue){
  var pickIndex = 0; // default use the person with largest point left 
  var matchCnt = 0;
  for(var row = 0;row<array.length;row++){
    if(array[row][col] > targetValue){ // if person's left point larger then story's point, maybe pick for the assignee
      var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * matchCnt); //Math.random() generate number between 0 and 1, this will generate random 0 -> row
      if(number == 0) pickIndex = row; // if matches the condition, update the pickIndex
  return pickIndex;

 * sort array by desc order at relative column
function sortArrayRange(array, col){
  Logger.log('Unsorted array = '+array);
    // in this example I used the 4th column... 
    var compareArgumentA = x[col];
    var compareArgumentB = y[col];
    // eventually do something with these 2 variables, for example Number(x[0]) and Number(y[0]) would do the comparison on numeric values of first column in the array (index0) 
    // another example x[0].toLowerCase() and y[0].toLowerCase() would do the comparison without taking care of letterCase...
    Logger.log('compareArgumentA = '+compareArgumentA+' and compareArgumentB = '+compareArgumentB);
    var result = 0;// initialize return value and then do the comparison : 3 cases
    if(compareArgumentA == compareArgumentB ){return result }; // if equal return 0
    if(compareArgumentA < compareArgumentB ){result = 1 ; return result }; // if A<B return -1 (you can change this of course and invert the sort order)
    if(compareArgumentA > compareArgumentB ){result = -1 ; return result }; // if a>B return 1
  Logger.log('\n\n\nSorted array = '+array);


Til next time,
at 00:00


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