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Ralph YY's Blog

29 Jan 2019
Query Optimize Postgres


As we all knows, there are some general ways to optimize the query:

1.Add index

In Postgres it support multiple index, such as like index which will be different from equal index, also it provide some new feature such as array index.

DROP INDEX if exists ralph_idx1;
CREATE INDEX if not exists ralph_idx1 ON raw_data_ralph (id);

There are some magic index, for example:

LEFT JOIN document d ON cast(d.document_id AS TEXT) = substr(, 0, position(',' IN
LEFT JOIN document d ON d.document_id = coalesce(substr(, 0, position(',' IN, null)::bigint

Index only take effect on the left side, actually, there is d.document_id index already in the document table, however, the join query try to compare the case TEXT value with the substr, which TEXT type. After change, the index works as expect, the query will be 100 times faster.

2.Change the order

Such as A join B Join C will be different from C join B join A.

3.Change the data range

Let’s assume A has 1000000 data, B has 1000000 data, C has 10000000 data. We want find all A join B join C where the A has price <100.

In this case, we can generate small A set on the fly.

WITH low_price as (
    select * from A where price < 100

4.Use CLUSTER May works for some situation such as data split by year.

CLUSTER raw_data_ralph USING ralph_idx1;
ANALYZE raw_data_ralph;

5.vacuum table This may happened when the table is updated many many times per day. In this case, the old data not removed from the data file, still occupy the space, the Postgres optimizer may not correctly collect the table information. Need vaccum.

vacuum analyze raw_data_ralph;

check the vacuum status

  schemaname, relname,
  last_vacuum, last_autovacuum,
  vacuum_count, autovacuum_count  -- not available on 9.0 and earlier
FROM pg_stat_user_tables
	where relname = 'stock_price_on_or_before';

Now, here is a new way I just know, use temp table.

4.Use temp table

When we do the ‘3. Change the data range’, Postgres will generate some temp table such as low_price table on the fly, however, those table don’t have the index, if those temp table are also big, it lower the performance. So here play the trick, for each transaction, we build the TEMPORARY TABLE, create index for it, after everything done, remove the TEMPORARY TABLE. (The TEMPORARY TABLE will remove when transaction is done, however if other query runs in the same transaction may cause the conflict). In the meanwhile, can use Postgres function to make whole transaction more clear. Simple example below:

	RETURNS TABLE(item_id           BIGINT, 
				  price             BIGINT
  ) AS $$
  CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE A_tmp AS select * from A where price < 100;
  CREATE INDEX A_tmp_idx ON A_tmp (item_id);
  WITH low_price_ab AS (
     select * from B b join A_tmp a_tmp on b.rfe_id = a_tmp.rfe_id
  ), low_price_ac AS (
	select * from C c join A_tmp a_tmp on c.rfe_id = a_tmp.rfe_id
  from product pt
  join low_price_ab ab on pt.rfe_id = ab.rfe_id
  join low_price_ac ac on pt.rfe_id = ac.rfe_id
  where ab.onsale = 'Y' and ac.onsale = 'N';
LANGUAGE plpgsql

SELECT * FROM calPrice(ARRAY [:item_ids]);


To get the cost of query

-- estimate cost, query not run
EXPLAIN select name from user;
-- run the actual query
EXPLAIN analyze select name from user;

Common Query Optimize tips (Chinese version)

  1. 对查询进行优化,应尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引。
  2. 应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行 null 值判断,否则将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描,如: select id from t where num is null 可以在num上设置默认值0,确保表中num列没有null值,然后这样查询: select id from t where num=0
  3. 应尽量避免在 where 子句中使用!=或<>操作符,否则将引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描
  4. 应尽量避免在 where 子句中使用 or 来连接条件,否则将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描,如: select id from t where num=10 or num=20 可以这样查询: select id from t where num=10 union all select id from t where num=20
  5. in 和 not in 也要慎用,否则会导致全表扫描,如: select id from t where num in(1,2,3) 对于连续的数值,能用 between 就不要用 in 了: select id from t where num between 1 and 3
  6. 如果在 where 子句中使用参数,也会导致全表扫描。因为SQL只有在运行时才会解析局部变量,但优化程序不能将访问计划的选择推迟到运行时;它必须在编译时进行选择。然而,如果在编译时建立访问计划,变量的值还是未知的,因而无法作为索引选择的输入项。如下面语句将进行全表扫描: select id from t where num=@num 可以改为强制查询使用索引: select id from t with(index(索引名)) where num=@num
  7. 应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行表达式操作,这将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描。如: select id from t where num/2=100 应改为: select id from t where num=100*2
  8. 应尽量避免在where子句中对字段进行函数操作,这将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描。如: select id from t where substring(name,1,3)=’abc’–name以abc开头的id select id from t where datediff(day,createdate,’2005-11-30’)=0–‘2005-11-30’生成的id 应改为: select id from t where name like ‘abc%’ select id from t where createdate>=’2005-11-30’ and createdate<’2005-12-1’
  9. 不要在 where 子句中的“=”左边进行函数、算术运算或其他表达式运算,否则系统将可能无法正确使用索引。
  10. 在使用索引字段作为条件时,如果该索引是复合索引,那么必须使用到该索引中的第一个字段作为条件时才能保证系统使用该索引,否则该索引将不会被使用,并且应尽可能的让字段顺序与索引顺序相一致。
  11. 很多时候用 exists 代替 in 是一个好的选择: select num from a where num in(select num from b) 用下面的语句替换: select num from a where exists(select 1 from b where num=a.num)
  12. 并不是所有索引对查询都有效,SQL是根据表中数据来进行查询优化的,当索引列有大量数据重复时,SQL查询可能不会去利用索引,如一表中有字段sex,male,female几乎各一半,那么即使在sex上建了索引也对查询效率起不了作用。
  13. 索引并不是越多越好,索引固然可以提高相应的 select 的效率,但同时也降低了 insert 及 update 的效率,因为 insert 或 update 时有可能会重建索引,所以怎样建索引需要慎重考虑,视具体情况而定。一个表的索引数最好不要超过6个,若太多则应考虑一些不常使用到的列上建的索引是否有必要。
  14. 应尽可能的避免更新 clustered 索引数据列,因为 clustered 索引数据列的顺序就是表记录的物理存储顺序,一旦该列值改变将导致整个表记录的顺序的调整,会耗费相当大的资源。若应用系统需要频繁更新 clustered 索引数据列,那么需要考虑是否应将该索引建为 clustered 索引。
  15. 尽量使用数字型字段,若只含数值信息的字段尽量不要设计为字符型,这会降低查询和连接的性能,并会增加存储开销。这是因为引擎在处理查询和连接时会逐个比较字符串中每一个字符,而对于数字型而言只需要比较一次就够了。
  16. 尽可能的使用 varchar/nvarchar 代替 char/nchar ,因为首先变长字段存储空间小,可以节省存储空间,其次对于查询来说,在一个相对较小的字段内搜索效率显然要高些。
  17. 任何地方都不要使用 select * from t ,用具体的字段列表代替“*”,不要返回用不到的任何字段。
  18. 如果使用到了临时表, 在存储过程的最后务必将所有的临时表显式删除, 先 truncate table,然后 drop table ,这样可以避免系统表的较长时间锁定。
  19. 尽量避免使用游标,因为游标的效率较差,如果游标操作的数据超过 1 万行,那么就应该考虑改写。


  1. Chapter 14. Performance Tips
  2. SQL语句优化的41条建议
  3. 30条SQL查询优化原则

Til next time,
at 00:00


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