03 Apr 2019
Postgres Maintenance And Urgent Case
Previous, we did some research for Postgres, check below:
1.Useful Postgres Queries
2.Postgres Log Analyze Pgbadger
3.Query Optimize Postgres
Now we also need to do maintenance and keep the database robust.
How To Maintenance
Follow below step to troubleshot the slow target
- Check the system load (cpu load) 系统负载讲解
1 cpu can only handle 1.0 load, 2 cpu can handle max 2.0 etc. If the load is continually high, it is guarantee to be slow.## check how many cpu you have $ grep -c 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo ## other metrics $ top
Check other hardware performance as well, make sure memory, io and network is not the bottleneck.
- If load is too high, need to identify which cause it. Use the pgbadger is good way, but it require pg_log, sometimes the normal user don’t have permission. below are other ways:
1) Use pg_stat_statmenet plugin
create extension pg_stat_statements;
select pg_stat_reset();
select pg_stat_statements_reset();
--wait the plugin collect information, then run
select * from pg_stat_statements order by total_time desc limit 5;
SELECT rolname,
regexp_replace(query, '[ \t\n]+', ' ', 'g') AS query_text
FROM pg_stat_statements
JOIN pg_roles r ON r.oid = userid
WHERE calls > 100
AND rolname NOT LIKE '%backup'
ORDER BY mean_time DESC
2) Check lock
--for example, you know the 'market_index' table is frozen
select * from pg_locks where granted and relation = 'market_index'::regclass;
select * from pg_stat_activity where pid in (select distinct(pid) from pg_locks);
select * from pg_stat_activity where pid = '28769';
3) Check the longest activity person
replace(query, chr(10), ' ') AS query
pgsa.datname AS datname,
pgsa.usename AS usename,
pgsa.client_addr client_addr,
pgsa.application_name AS application_name,
pgsa.state AS state,
pgsa.backend_start AS backend_start,
pgsa.xact_start AS xact_start,
extract(EPOCH FROM (now() - pgsa.xact_start)) AS xact_stay,
pgsa.query_start AS query_start,
extract(EPOCH FROM (now() - pgsa.query_start)) AS query_stay,
pgsa.query AS query
FROM pg_stat_activity AS pgsa
WHERE pgsa.state != 'idle' AND pgsa.state != 'idle in transaction' AND
pgsa.state != 'idle in transaction (aborted)') idleconnections
ORDER BY query_stay DESC
4) Check the table scan information, handle the big whole table scan case
-- find the most whole seq scan table
select * from pg_stat_user_tables where n_live_tup > 100000 and seq_scan > 0 order by seq_tup_read desc limit 10;
-- find the query is running for that table
select * from pg_stat_activity where query ilike '%<table name>%' and query_start - now() > interval '10 seconds';
-- can also use pg_stat_statements do the same thing
select * from pg_stat_statements where query ilike '%<table>%'order by shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_read desc limit 3;
5) Cancel or kill the most effect query, recover business
select pg_cancel_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where query like '%<query text>%' and pid != pg_backend_pid();
select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where query like '%<query text>%' and pid != pg_backend_pid();
This is the action item, kill the query blocking.
6) Optimize the queries
A. Use ANALYZEE<table> or VACUUM ANZLYZE<table> to update the table statistic. Try to avoid run it in peer time.
B. Execute explain(query text) or explain (buffers true, analyze true, verbose true) (query text) command to identify the query execution plan.
C. Optimize the queries, remove useless join, modify UNION ALL, use JOIN CLAUSE to stable the order etc.
for more query optimize, check this QUERY OPTIMIZE POSTGRES
PostgreSQL CPU占用100%性能分析及慢sql优化
Til next time,
at 00:00